Thursday, June 28, 2007

Joss Whedon Wants You For Dinner

Joss Whedon once again proves why he is a god among geeks. According to the press release, fans will get a chance to bid for a seat at his table at a swank San Diego restaurant. Proceeds from the auction will go to Equality Now, an organization that works to protect and promote the human rights of women around the world.

I think dinner with Joss has a nice ring to it, as opposed to an early bird special with Stan Lee or drive-thru with Sam Raimi in his yellow 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 (with special cameo appearance by Bruce Campbell). I dare say the only thing more fitting would be a buffet with Michael Bay. And the buffet would be on top of a semi truck's trailer as it plows through traffic on the freeway. Nicolas Cage would serve you drinks from another truck by jumping from car to car. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence will simultaneously shout, "Damn!" when you get the bill for what you thought was a complimentary meal. The whole experience would be expensive and over the top except for the food, which was the reason why you decided to go in the first place.

1 comment:

Rusalka said...

Joss Whedon + a DAMN good cause? I'll take a 'What is a "hell yes"', Trebek.

And I agree- dinner with Joss has a wonderful ring to it.